Thursday, August 15, 2013

Simple Tips

Jillian Michaels, that Biggest Loser trainer, has a website in which she talks about behavior modification.  Under rule #3 Curb Mindless Eating she states, "Brush your teeth after every meal and snack.  Food never seems as appealing when you have that toothpaste taste in your mouth."  Sounds like an easy enough thing to do!

Other tips I found while searching online:
1.  Don't eat processed foods (they have added sugar, fat, and salt, not to mention chemicals)
2.  Boil or steam food (cooking with oil adds fat)
3.  Reduce sugar and/or salt consumption
4.  Burn more calories than you take in
5.  Use a digital scale that weighs to 0.2 pound (some daily/weekly losses are less than a pound and this will still show your success)
6.  Drink 8 glasses of water a day (helps you feel full and aids in digestion)
7.  Eat raw veggies (low in calories and full of nutrition)
8.  Let others know you are on a diet (helps build a community of supporters)
9.  Remember that a 30 minute work out is an equal amount of time as watching a half hour sitcom
10.  Keep a food diary
11.  Make breakfast the biggest meal of the day and keep dinner light
12.  Set your plate up with 50% vegetables, 25% protein, 25% whole grains
13.  Eat your meals at the same time every day
14.  Don't eat fast food
15.  Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night
16.  Reduce stress
17.  Be confident and have a positive outlook
18.  Eat at least 10 grams of fiber a day
19.  Avoid soda (and other sugary drinks)
20.  Eat at the table and always use utensils
21.  Instead of eating 3 big meals a day spread it out to 6 small meals.  (Eating 100-150 calories every 2 hours helps to keep metabolism higher.)
22.  Remember it's a lifestyle change
23.  Avoid fad diets
24.  Read other success stories
25.  Eat grapefruit

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